Helping Byron


“Librarian Byron Keates,” you announce, “I can read Rialkin!”

His mouth widens in a shape echoing the noise that he emits: “O!”

“Simply give me your manuscript, and I shall – yes! – read it!” you declare.

Byron hands you his sheaf of parchments, and you read them! It seems that the information encoded in Rialkin upon the pages which you now possess clears Byron’s family name of an evil that has hung over his lineage like the Space-Sword of Damocles, except not related to a tyrant’s fears, but rather to a family scandal! Which isn’t actually scandalous, after all!

“O, lovely and learned stranger!” the librarian exclaims! “How can I ever repay the great favor you have done for me and all my family this day?”

“I am Princess Xanastasia Zuera Francel of the House of Dorg,” you exposit, “and my companion here is the Silver Marauder, otherwise known as Caroline Jun Yie. I have only recently recovered from amnesia induced by her mutinous crew of mercenaries, who attacked me whilst I was traveling here to Dashington Station. Those same mercenaries will shortly descend upon this station bent on destruction, and we must stop them!”

“Sweet Proet!” Byron breathes. “Of course, I will help in any way that I can. I am entirely yours, Princess!” He pauses, and takes the slow breath of a shy man who is about to say something rather forward to a beautiful woman whom he admires, and then speaks again: “Entirely yours, if you take my meaning.”

You do, indeed, take his meaning! Now what?

1) Take the librarian! Over his desk, if necessary!

2) It would be rude to leave Caroline out of the fun. Perhaps the three of you could do a little – ahem – research together?

3) As much fun as all of this innuendo can be, you really must focus on the impending threat of mercenary attack!

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