Death of the Diva


Sadly, you have no way to prove your love of her music to the despairing diva! And as you gaze sadly at her, wishing in vain that you could demonstrate your appreciation in some tangible way, she opens her mouth and sings:

Eu estou morrendo agora
Eu estou morrendo totalmente
Você deve ter procurarado
A enfermaria,
Ou então fujido, talvez –
Este jogo particular
Das decisões
Era mau…!

And with that, she keels over.

“I guess we’d better go find the librarian!” Caroline observes.

But as soon as you step back out into the corridor, you are accosted by the mutinous mercenaries!

“Run, Princess!” Caroline orders. “I shall hold them o—AURGHHHhhhhhhhhh.”

As she dies messily from a well-aimed shot from a space-bazooka, you take the Boot Sway stance of the Uncomfortable Llama, preparing to fight to the death!

It doesn’t take long. Oops.


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